Mending broken lives

Meet Branden

Before coming to Denton Freedom House, Branden lived a foolish & irresponsible life that revolved around drug addiction. While at DFH, he was introduced to the Gospel and devoted his life to Jesus Christ. God has restored Branden’s family, including his daughter, & has transformed him into a reliable leader with a deep desire to help others.

Meet Jared

Mending broken lives

Before coming to Denton Freedom House, Jared was addicted to drugs & alcohol for over 15 years. As a result, he was in & out of prison, homeless living under a bridge, and estranged from his family and son. At DFH, Jared received Jesus as his Lord and Savior & got baptized on Thanksgiving. Today, he is reconciled with his son, married to a godly woman, & has a heart to serve in church, prison & troubled youth ministries.

Meet Stacey

Mending broken lives

Before coming to Denton Freedom House, I was a struggling Health Care Worker that suffered burnout from the Covid -19 pandemic and tried ending my life.
While at Denton Freedom House, I was introduced to Christ, and received Jesus as my Lord and Savior and began to feel all the vast empty space inside my soul now filled with His love.
I am now pouring back into the home that gave me my life back by doing volunteer shifts, helping women in their journey with Christ.

before and after Christ

Ministry Services

Christian man reading the Bible as part of recovery program.

Men’s Home

Giving men, Christian recovery from addiction, an opportunity to establish or restore their relationship with our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ His Son, and give them practical life skills and reconciliation with their families.

Women’s Home

Giving women, Christian recovery from addiction, an opportunity to establish or restore their relationship with our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ His Son, and give them practical life skills and reconciliation with their families.

volunteer at Freedom Food Pantry

Freedom Food Pantry

Giving families in Denton County freedom from hunger. There is no judgment of those in need. We offer more than just food. We offer prayer, hope and if needed, a way off the streets and into one of our homes.

Our Mission

Liberate the broken from their bondage of sin & addiction

Through the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Equip them to become prosperous disciples of Christ with Kingdom vision, purpose & direction

sunrise at Denton Freedom House men's home for recovering addicts.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor!”

Good News to the Poor in Spirit.

Luke 4:18-19

Snapshot Video

DFH Discipleship Programs | Christian Recovery Help for Men & Women in Need