Men’s Home in Aubrey, TX
We accept men from all over the US over the age of 17. There are three phases to address the needs of the men. Phase 1 is a 6-month (minimum) residential program. It is free and helps to establish his relationship with God through the recognition of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Men will be introduced to different work centers to aid in getting a full-time job upon completion of Phase 1. Phase 2 is another 6 months and is highly recommended for men to establish their work history, saving and working on various needs. A small program fee is required. 100% of the men in Phase 2 are fully employed. Phase 3 is also encouraged but is earned based on man’s progress. This is a house in town with several other brothers to provide accountability. This final phase has no end date. Admission is only through an online form. For the family of the resident, please look at our policies here
Women’s Home in Denton, TX
We accept women from all over the US over the age of 17. We cannot accept children with women who want to come into the home. Women’s Program has 2 phases currently. Phase 1 is a minimum of 6 months and is free. Women will establish a healthy relationship with God and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They will be given a variety of classes, mentorship and work experience. Upon completion, they have the option for Phase 2 which is designed to give them more work history, financial stability and a clear transition to a home of their choosing. Admission is by application only. For the family of the resident, please look at our policies here

Freedom Food Pantry in Denton, TX
We offer a food pantry where our residents can help those in need. In some cases, they are helping people whom they know from the streets. In these cases, there is more than just food that is offered, there is hope. Our pantry allows clients to shop for their needs. We want to eliminate the fear of hunger in Denton County. We honor our Father in heaven, by feeding those in need. We want to feed them more than just food though. In our new location, we don’t have to rush people through the doors. We can take time to pray with them also.
Zera Coffee & Events
Zera is Coffee with a Cause. Every cup of coffee purchased or private event hosted sows seeds into the Denton Freedom House (DFH). Zera fulfills the DFH mission by teaching men and women to be prosperous disciples of Christ within a healthy workplace. Residents are able to activate what they are learning in the classroom at DFH. Zera is a safe and family-friendly place to fellowship, study, get together with friends, or host your next event!